[arch-events] FOSDEM Meeting
2015-01-26 13:36:42 UTC
Good afternoon dear list,

I execuse me right away that I open up a new thread about FOSDEM, but I
couldn't figure out where to meet you all on the conference. ;)

The lanyard idea was a great one!

Basically two questions left:

1. Is there a planned meet-up for Arch users or any kind of booth this year?
2. A few years back we went out for dinner all together Friday night at
BigMama's, something similar planned this time? If not, interested?
3. Where can I pick up the lanyards and donate? ;)

Hopefully, I didn't scare you off now.

Have a good one. ;)

++ C3L stands with #EdwardSnowden ++
++ http://ur1.ca/hkw60 ++

Chaos Computer Club Lëtzebuerg A.S.B.L. (NGO)
e. ***@c3l.lu (GPG: 0xFEDF6035)
t. +352–691–71–77–44
w. http://c3l.lu/
Andrea Scarpino
2015-01-26 13:45:46 UTC
Hi there!
Post by Jan GUTH
1. Is there a planned meet-up for Arch users or any kind of booth this year?
2. A few years back we went out for dinner all together Friday night at
BigMama's, something similar planned this time? If not, interested?
I would join to the FOSDEM beer event[1].

3. Where can I pick up the lanyards and donate? ;)
Donations always via [2].
About the lanyards... well, look for me there! :-)

[1] https://fosdem.org/2015/beerevent/
[2] https://www.archlinux.org/donate/
2015-01-26 13:52:31 UTC
Post by Andrea Scarpino
Hi there!
Post by Jan GUTH
1. Is there a planned meet-up for Arch users or any kind of booth this year?
2. A few years back we went out for dinner all together Friday night at
BigMama's, something similar planned this time? If not, interested?
I would join to the FOSDEM beer event[1].
3. Where can I pick up the lanyards and donate? ;)
Donations always via [2].
About the lanyards... well, look for me there! :-)
[1] https://fosdem.org/2015/beerevent/
[2] https://www.archlinux.org/donate/
Alright. :)

See you on Friday!

++ C3L stands with #EdwardSnowden ++
++ http://ur1.ca/hkw60 ++

Chaos Computer Club Lëtzebuerg A.S.B.L. (NGO)
e. ***@c3l.lu (GPG: 0xFEDF6035)
t. +352–691–71–77–44
w. http://c3l.lu/